Community development skills
July 23, 2016
Over the course of two days we held the "Know-How"module, where community development specialists and engagement experts from FAS hosted interactive workshops on leadership, social innovation, and how to build a local sustainability fair. The participants also reviewed their journey so far and began to piece together their learnings from the first half of the course. The coordinator of SDSN Youth Amazonas, Gabriela Sampaio, facilitated participants to engage with the sustainable development goals. Raquel Rosenberg The co-founder of Engajamundo, a global youth engagement network for environmental policy reform, explained her approaches of creativity and love, and João Rafael Brites, the founder of the Transformers movement, led a hip-hop workshop to enable participants to understand and then build social movements.
After being briefed by Gabriela about SDSN, participants worked in three groups representing the areas of private sector, civil society and government to come up with ideas for how to work towards sustainable development Goal 1 : No poverty. With Valcleia Solidade from FAS, the participants co-created a list of key leadership characteristics with the intention of understanding what kind of leadership is needed in this work. Gabriel Ribenboim introduced concepts of disruptive innovation and social business to put the participants to the test as they divided into groups to used the business canvas framework to design a social enterprise for a riverine community in the amazon. Paulinha Gabriel told the story of Virada Sustentável in Manaus, and inspired the participants to come up with a concept, location, and date for a sustainable fair in one of their hometowns across the globe.

Gained a deeper understand about FAS’ work
Learned about the SDSN and it’s role.
Reflected about leadership and its role in community development
Co-created a list of key leadership characteristics
Participated in a simulation of one of three sectors represented in the SDSN to move towards the sustainable development global development goal of ending poverty
Learned about the concept of disruptive innovation
Prototyped a social business in an amazonian riverine community as a small group
Learned about the Virada Sustentável concept, organization and activities/initiatives
Prototyped an activity to be part of Virada Sustentável
Heard about Paulinha’s story about Bryan’s death.
Expanded vision about the meaning of leadership
Inspired participants to create their own sustainability initiatives
Reflected about innovation and how to achieve it